Thursday, June 2, 2011

Fundraising for St Jude's Tanzania

I've been in rural NSW for the past two weeks, fundraising for the School of St Jude in Tanzania. This amazing school provides a free education to the very poorest children in their part of the world. The dynamo who runs this school, Gemma Sisia, is an incredible woman and a true inspiration to me and to many others too I'm sure. So far with this fundraiser we've managed to buy the school some of the much-needed items listed in their 2011 Fundraising Appeal - some land for the students' sports field, some secondary science equipment, and some sports field fencing (to keep the cows and goats out!).

 I would like to thank all the lovely ladies & gentlemen of the Ben Lomond area and the Barraba area, for getting involved in our events and shopping up a storm for this worthy cause. I'd also like to thank the wonderful designers who provided their beautiful items to this fundraiser, and note that we do still have just a handful of truly magnificent pieces left if anyone would like to make a last minute purchase before I return the unsold items to their designers at the end of this week. All the fundraising efforts that come in this week will continue to go to St Jude's 2011 Appeal.
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